Monday, January 29, 2007

I Have a Stalker!

Okay, so maybe not exactly a stalker.

I'm not sure if talking about me on his blog, or friendster messaging me 4 times (plus a comment and a friend request) in a 5 hour period counts as stalking. I mean, I guess it could actually be not creepy at all that he googled me and then referenced his findings in aforementioned friendster messages.

See, it's only really even notable when you understand the extent of our acquaintance:
Me: Hello, Welcome! My name is Lee.
Creepyish Guy: Hi my name is XXXXX
Me: Great, drinks are upstairs, feel free to order, and it's nice to meet you.
CG: Blah blah...
Me: (Moving onto someone else) Hello, Welcome!...

I mean, I guess I'm making a big deal out of nothing. Lord knows, I've probably googled you, and rest assured, I don't have the energy to stalk anyone.

It's true, I wouldn't find it creepy if he were a broad-shouldered, attractive successful guy. Because then it would be flattering, and a little bit satisfying in that 'I may have a boyfriend, but I still got it' kind of way, of course.

What's really odd/funny/scary is that there's this person out there. Not because he's giving a lot of thought to someone he's barely met, but rather, that he's bold enough to admit it. I mean, when I webstalk someone (not that I ever I go out of my way to never show it. You know, like, "Oh I had no idea you were running for president, Barack, tell me more about yourself" kinda thing.

Anyway, if it sounds like I'm paying unneeded amounts of attention to a rather trivial subject, it's because it's rare that I have anything in common with Gisele Bundchen. It may not be Tom Brady, but it's something.

And, let's be honest, everything I write about is trivial.

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